Author: davekeeshan

  • David McWilliams on Humour

    David McWilliams is famous around these parts for economics and trying to invent a new buzz word that is even more successful than “Ghost Estates“. Give it up Dave, in […]

  • Jordan Peterson discussing comedy

    During a recent Jordan Peterson podcast with New York City-based author & podcaster Michael Malice the topic of comedy the limits and challenges of successfully putting out humour. Peterson can […]

  • I’m Dying Up Here – Review

    I’m Dying Up Here  William Knoedelseder   This book is set in the period of the 1970s when there was the comedy gold rush which started in LA.  Much of […]

  • Anti Left Wing Comedy

    There has been some talk recently about comedy being too left wing. This seems to suggest that comedy, like politics is polar, which it is not! There is an interesting […]

  • Steve Martin @75

    I can’t believe that Steve Martin is 75 years young, wow! The Guardian have a write up with different comedians reflect on his influence on their work. In the middle […]

  • Lessons from Late Night – Tina Fey

    This article ran in the New Yorker in 2011, where Tine Fey discusses what it was like to join Saturday Night Live, what she learned and what is the difference […]

  • Marc Maron interview Jim Carrey

    Marc Maron must be on fire recently after getting Jerry Seinfeld on his podcast recently, considered by many to be the great white whale he just got Jim Carrey on.  […]

  • Marc Maron interviews Jerry Seinfeld

    Marc Maron has an excellent interview with podcasting hold out Jerry Seinfeld. Check it out! Totally! WTF started as a comedy podcast. It’s a show made by a comedian who […]

  • Can you copyright a joke?

    Jokes and are they copyrightable come up a lot.  There is a post over on Chortle where a former law lecturer and standup, Ollie Horn, tries to take it apart. […]

  • Al Pacino